Basic Course - Raspberry Pi and linux terminal

Basic Course - Raspberry Pi and linux terminal

Dette arrangementet er åpent for alle studenter uavhengig av Hackerspace-medlemskap

Arrangementansvarlige: Emma Wei Bjørkedal,

event 08. mars 2023

access_time 18:00 til 20:30

location_on VE20

Learn how to set up set up a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS and how to us Linux terminal

This event is open to all students regardless of Hackerspace membership

This course involves:
Explaination of the purpose of a terminal and how it is used
Installation and maintenance of packages with apt (relevant for Raspberry Pi OS) or other primary package manager
Knowledge about the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), so you can find out more if needed.
Demonstration of mastery of navigation in the file system and simple file management (ls, mv, cp, cd, touch, rm, mkdir)
Being able to find information/help on your own (man / -h flag)

There are no requirements for prior knowledge to participate.

NB! Remember to bring your own laptop

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