Course - Raspberry Pi and linux terminal
Course - Raspberry Pi and linux terminal
Dette arrangementet er åpent for alle studenter uavhengig av Hackerspace-medlemskap
Arrangementansvarlige: Neeraj Mehta,
event 17. oktober 2022
access_time 18:00 til 20:00
location_on VE22 - SMASH
In this course you will gain a basic understanding of the use of the Linux terminal by setting up a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS. This involves:
This event is open to all students regardless of Hackerspace membership
In this course you will gain a basic understanding of the use of the Linux terminal by setting up a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS. This involves:
- Explain the purpose of a terminal and how it is used
- Installation and maintenance of packages with apt (relevant for Raspberry Pi OS) or other primary package manager
- Know about the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), so you can find out more if needed.
- Demonstrate mastery of navigation in the file system and simple file management (ls, mv, cp, cd, touch, rm, mkdir)
- Able to find information/help on your own (man / -h flag)
There are no requirements for prior knowledge to participate.
NB! Remember to bring your own laptop
Ved å delta på arrangementet vil du få følgende ferdigheter godkjent:
Påmeldte: 4 / 30 (på venteliste: 0)
Frist for påmelding er 17. oktober 2022 00:01
Frist for avmelding er 17. oktober 2022 12:00
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